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Days 49-56: National Park Food

August 31, 2010

So this is a fairly chaotic representation of what I ate while on vacation last week. I think I managed to photograph about 80% of my eats. My extended family was fairly amused and a few times some of the little cousins would stop me and say, “WAIT! Did you take your picture?!?” Ha ha.

The eating situation was fairly challenging. The choices, in our remote spot, were: 1. a 7-11 type general store; 2. a cafeteria type place with steam trays and boiled canned vegetables and yuck, and 3. a fancy shmancy expensive restaurant. We also had a couple of forays into “town” for airport runs. That’s where we found the mountain of cheesey, garlicky, bacony fries. I do mean MOUNTAIN. Four of us picked at that for an hour and barely made a dent. It was super yummy going down. I didn’t eat much and I ended up feeling predictably ugh. The first few bites were worth it though.

I did find some awesome oatmeal at the fancy breakfast place, and ended up going there virtually every morning (after ughing out on the Egg McBiscuit thing from the general store). I didn’t photograph my M & Ms. (I ate total of 10)

But I was super active. I did a lot lot lot of hiking. So I came back and was surprised to be at same weight as the week before. How ‘about that.

My first few days back to foodblogging were kinda rusty to say the least. I’ll probably do a compilation of the first couple days. Today was my first “real” day back into practice. It’s a good thing.

From → Food

  1. Mmmm. Glad you survived the vacation!

  2. Sounds and looks like you made some good choices given your limited options. Also seems like you had a great time and that is really what is importants. So nice to be with the family!


  4. love the photos 😉

  5. Staying on plan on vacation is so hard! It looks like you did a great job, and most importantly you had fun with your family!

  6. welcome back! glad you had a good vacation!

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