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Day 13: Wedding WOW!

July 19, 2010

This was one of the “biggest” food days I’ve had since I started this process. Someone remarked on my other blog, “Not many people gain weight while photoblogging, right?” Ha. SURE you can gain weight. Just eat a lot of food and take photos of all of it!

Seriously though. I’m glad I got down to a nice low before this weekend because it sure popped up again, thanks to some great festivities last night.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Of course I began the day like I always do.

Then a quick breakfast before I rushed off to my solo performance class. Again, I wanted oatmeal, and again, there was no time. But I was happy with my old standby, on an old Ikea flower plate from my girls’ childhood.

Man, I love warm peanut butter.

After my class was over, I went to pick up a wedding gift for my friend’s wedding. It was almost 2:00pm and I was hooooooooooooongry. I went to the Wolfgang Puck food court place in the basement of Macy’s. That place can have some healthy options but it can also be very dangerous. Macaroni and cheese to die for.

They had a special called “shaved zucchini salad with lemon vinaigrette” that sounded intriguing. I thought it would be sort of like coleslaw in texture, but it ended up looking like this.

The zucchini was shaved into very thin rounds, very delicate and nice. They also must have been lightly steamed because they were neither crunchy nor floppy, but JUST RIGHT. The lemon dressing was zingy and refreshing. I also got a cup of butternut squash soup. Delicious.

I got home, showered, dressed and we went to the wedding. It was short, sweet, beautiful, unique and fun. They played an awesome game of Wedding Family Feud DURING THE CEREMONY. Which rocked. I am all for unique, fun weddings.

We went to a lovely outdoor setting for the reception. The weather was perfect. I was psyched to have my camera and not feel like a freak taking pictures of everything, because DOZENS of people had cameras and were taking pictures of everything, including the food. So nobody had a clue what I was doing.

I had two of the passed hors d’oeuvres: grilled beef on a stick (yum) and a vegi roll wrap thing.

I think maybe the catering staff thought I was a little freaky. “Would you like some grilled beef?” “Yes, but let me take a picture of it first.” Ha!

I had a glass of very delicious wine, which was made by one of the bride’s friends who is now a prizewinning vintner. It was awesome.

Roland Rosario Verdelho

I ended up not being able to resist a piece of bread from the bread basket. This bread had sea salt sprinkled on it. SO GOOD. I had a piece with butter.

Then a lot of general mingling and merriment occurred. I was really happy because I got to hang with friends from one of my old writing groups, and also with my trainer and people from the gym/kung fu school that he runs. It was good times. We were served a very pretty pear and walnut/blue cheese salad.

Then the main food came! Wow! It arrived in giant bowls and platters and was served family-style at each table. That was nifty. And wonderful. They brought out:

gorgeous grilled vegetables

pancit with shrimp and snow peas

chicken adobo with rice

mango salmon

This is what my plate ended up looking like.

Instead of wedding cake, they served mountains and mountains of CREAM PUFFS. Darn, they were good. First I had just a bite of Mr. McBody’s. Then I discovered they had chocolate filled ones. So I got one of mine and he had a bite of mine. So I ended up having a whole one. YUM!

Then we went and danced a whole bunch. Which was a good thing.

It was all so delicious. I really do think it was the best wedding food I’d ever had. And included a lot of really healthy stuff too! It was awesome.

However, this was the largest volume of food I’ve eaten in one day in a while.

From → Food

  1. Mary Catherine permalink

    Your photos are lovely. What an excellent way of being accountable. Since I began following this photo blog, I’ve been rating my own choices as “photo-worthy” or not and it’s truly given me a more discerning palate. This afternoon I cut up some organic strawberries and bananas, topped it multi-grain square cereal with some soy milk – gosh, pretty and mindful.

    Thanks for the upbeat motivation.

    • Mary Catherine,
      I think it’s possible to enjoy the benefits of photoblogging without actually photoblogging – ie doing exactly what you’re doing. Pausing, considering your food, really looking at it, being more mindful. Yay!!

  2. YUM! What a great food spread at the wedding! 🙂

  3. A great feast!! =)

  4. Oh, everything there looked so *worthy*! That platter of grilled veggies alone made me swoon. And cream puffs, that’s a creative way to do a wedding dessert!

    I love the way you add a little figure with the coffee pictures! That cat is too cute.

  5. that salad looked good! some of your photos say they are no longer available. anyways, sounds like you had fun! 🙂

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